Category Archives: Breathwork

The Inner Art of Breathing

The Inner Art of Breathing

A Breathworkshop

Facilitated by Samvedam Randles, Dipl. Psych., LMHC and Astrid Rothmund Lewis, PT

Few of us utilize the full power of our breath!

Most of us leave our breathing patterns in the realm of the unconscious and have not learned to consciously use our breath to influence how we feel.

That can change in this one week end workshop, where you will explore how to engage your breathing to downregulate your nervous system or clear your emotional channels.

We offer a combination of intensive learning about the physiology of breath, body posture and movement and direct experiential immersion into breathwork.

This workshop is open to all who would like to learn how to use the breath for their benefit.

We also invite practitioners of the healing arts to learn how to help their clients use these tools.

The Benefits of Breathwork

Each Breathwork session is different.

Regular practice enhances health, promotes well-being, and brings a deeper connection with one’s Self.

The benefits of breathwork occur on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.


  • Strengthens the relaxation response
  • Helps us manage stress and anxiety
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Allows the release of tension and expression of difficult unconscious feelings in a safe environment
  • Strengthens mindful awareness
  • Helps individuals become calm and centered
  • Anchors joy and positive feeling in the body
  • Is a gateway to a meditative state and the possibility of transcendent experiences
  • Is an effective tool for treating addictions

When: December 7th & 8th, 2024

9 am – 5 pm

Where: The Watertown Center for the Healing Arts

17 Spring Street

Watertown, MA 02472

Cost: $ 425.00

Empowered Relief®

Empowered Relief®

Train Your Brain Away from Pain
Facilitated by Astrid Rothmund Lewis, PT

One in three individuals in the United States is living with ongoing pain and medication is often the only tool provided to address this. This 2-hour workshop will offer proven methods for pain relief as well as better understanding of the mechanism of chronic pain.

The Empowered Relief® course was developed at Stanford university and its effectiveness was researched in 3 separate trials which show a reduction in pain intensity and interference. In addition, the course provides help with secondary issues such as sleep disturbances, depression, fatigue, and anxiety.

When: Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

10 am to 12 pm (2 hours)

Where: Zoom Workshop

Cost: $ 75.00

Our Spirit Journeys: The Backstory

Andes mountain scene - a spiritual retreat to Peru in April, 2020Since we announced our 2020 Spring Spirit Journey to Peru, some have asked how our Spirit Journeys fit into the larger context of our work with Constellations and Breathwork.  Here is how it all started. Many years ago when we were heavily focused on breathwork, we offered breathwork in a warm swimming pool here in the Boston area.  And we all discovered that being held in warm water while opening the body and heart is incredibly beautiful and powerful. As we dried off and shared our experiences, the idea of doing breathwork in a warm ocean was raised. Continue reading Our Spirit Journeys: The Backstory

A Lesson from the Hummingbird

by Samvedam Randles, LMHC, Dipl. Psych.

A Lesson from the Hummingbird, counseling services in Boston, MA.This month brought the pendulum of our collective psyche into full swing!

Intensity of emotional reactions to the presidential election flew high. As I endeavored to meet each person in my office with calm centeredness, I found myself challenged by the wild array of personal shadows being flushed out of their hiding places. It felt as though we were experiencing a collective immersion of shadow reactions to the seismic political shifts taking place: fear, grief, dismay, anger or despair flooded my office.

Having just re-centered from one version of reaction, I would then sit with someone who felt quietly hopeful and wished to celebrate the change, but did not feel safe expressing this publicly. My work was to be present with each person no matter where on the pendulum swing we started.  

As the waves kept moving in and out, I found myself remembering the tiniest of creatures, the hummingbird. When I traveled to Peru last spring, I enjoyed watching these lovely beings, so wondrous in their deftness and precision. A hummingbird’s wings move faster than our eyes can perceive, yet it remains calm in its center so it can enjoy each flower and drink deeply from its nectar. The gift of this image seems like a good teaching this month. Stillness in rapid action became my mantra as I practiced staying present with each person I met.  When presence holds us in each moment, it becomes more than a mantra; it becomes effortless.

Healing in Community

In the midst of this election month, our Constellation Learning Group, which meets one weekend each month, launched beautifully. Grounding into the felt-sense within our bodies evoked calm and allowed us to support each other. The teachings of the Family Constellation work expanded our horizons as we were reminded that it is the nature of the pendulum to swing; and that none of what we experience is either actually new or unique to us.

Breathwork, another powerful practice, assisted quite a few folks with releasing pent up emotion and coming back to their center. Gathering in the safety of community to learn new tools that help us understand and grow from challenges feels timely and important.

What helps you find inner stillness when the pendulum swings wildly?