July 2 – 12, 2011
You are invited to step out of your daily routines and broaden your sense of Self beyond the horizon of what is currently visible in order to realign with the original intention of your soul.
Within the belief system of Native American tribes, Eagle Medicine represents our connection to Spirit. Eagle soars high in the sky, gaining perspective and yet stays balanced in the earth realm. To access Eagle Medicine we strive to overcome our fears and embrace freedom.
This journey takes us to the ridge of the Badlands where views are expansive and bison and coyote walk freely. We will stay in cabins and prepare ourselves for a vision quest.
Preparations include daily practices of meditation, breathwork, shamanic journeying and group sharing as well as explorations of the land either on horse back or on foot.
Rituals such as sweat lodge and fire ceremony will help us purify and prepare ourselves for time alone in the powerful presence of this land. Participants may choose to quest alone for three days and three nights in the badlands or participate in an alternative guided three day retreat at base camp.
On some days we will travel to sacred sites such as Medicine Hole Mountain and we plan a visit with one of the local tribes.
Date : July 2–12, 2011
Place : Killdeer, North Dakota
Cost : $ 1995 – Payment options
This price includes food, accommodations, horse back riding and group facilitation.
It also includes transportation during the retreat for visits to a tribe or sacred site.
It does not include airfare to Bismarck North Dakota. We will offer a shuttle from Bismarck airport to Killdeer on the day the retreat begins and back to the airport the day the retreat ends.
Click image to download Eagle Medicine Brochure
This journey will be facilitated by Samvedam B. Randles.